The current Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) Partnership Program is a non-funded partnership between selected colleges and universities and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Program is a valuable source of applicants for air traffic controller positions. Graduates of AT-CTI programs have broad-based aviation degrees that include specific air traffic curricula. Although there is no guarantee of employment, collegiate aviation is considered a critical hiring source to meet the FAA's need for air traffic controllers now and in the future. In addition, students who graduate from AT-CTI Schools are eligible to bypass the first five weeks of initial qualification training at the FAA Academy because of their college education.
Uaa Air Traffic Control Program
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AT-CTI schools offer two- and four-year non-engineering aviation degrees that teach basic courses in air traffic control and aviation administration. The AT-CTI program is designed to provide qualified candidates for developmental air traffic control specialist positions.
Graduates of the AT-CTI program are eligible to bypass the Air Traffic Basics Course, which is the first five weeks of qualification training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City. Academy training consists of option-specific (terminal or en route) initial training. Students must successfully complete all required training at the FAA Academy to continue employment with FAA.
Click on the image to the right to download a map showing the geographic locations of our AT-CTI partner institutions. Also shown on the map are the locations of inactive programs for new students in Summer 2018.
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Collegiate Training Initiative (UAS-CTI) is the newest of the CTI programs. Launched on April 30, 2020, the UAS-CTI is a program designed for the FAA to recognize institutions that prepare students for careers in unmanned aircraft systems. The results of this collaborative working relationship will include a continuous dialogue with stakeholders to connect colleges and universities with the general industry, local governments, law enforcement, and regional economic development entities to address labor force needs in this rapidly growing industry. For more detailed information please visit the UAS-CTI webpage.
Current Courses CSCE A311, Data Structures and Algorithms
Past Courses CS A101, Introduction to Computer ScienceCS A109, Visual Basic .NET
CS A109, Python
CS A109, C#
CS A110, Java Programming
CS A111, Visual Basic .NET
CS A201, Programming Concepts
CS A221 Computer Architecture CSCE A211, C++
CSCE A222, Object-Oriented Programming
CSCE A331, Programming Languages
CS A342, NetworkingCSCE A351, Automata, Algorithms, and Computation
CSCE A401 Software Engineering CS A405 Artificial Intelligence CS A411, Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS A442, Computer NetworkingCS A448, Advanced Computer ArchitectureCS A450 Automata and Computing CSCE A470 Capstone Project CS A395, Internship in Computer Science
View Past CS470 and CS395 ProjectsResourcesBlog on Teaching, Technology, and LearningUAA Undergraduate Research Project DatabaseFaculty Handbook on Mentoring Undergraduate Research AssistantsProgramming Assignment ArchiveArtificial Intelligence Games
UAA's Beowulf Cluster and Parallel Programming ExamplesDigital Pixel Counter for Thin SectionsBackgroundI have been at UAA since August, 2000. Prior to life at UAA I have workedat the following institutions:Washington State University, VancouverIntel Architecture LabPortland State UniversityLos Alamos National LabChevron ChemicalUC Davis Computer Science DepartmentSome ProjectsSome of the research projects I am involvedwith include the following:Eye Tracking. We have been investigating the use of eye tracking technology for many purposes: secure authentication, collecting user data for information management, and analyzing student performance on gaze-related tasks (e.g. speed reading, air traffic control). As a first step to some of these projects we have created a C# wrapper for EyeTech's TM3 eyetracker. We also have plans to use eyetracking to support research projects in Psychology and Experimental Economics.Agent-Based Simulations and Complex Systems. Some problems are too complex to solve analytically in a top-down fashion. The best way to understand them is through the bottom-up interaction of agents. This work uses the complex systems paradigm to explore various biological and ecological systems. For example, by simulating the foraging behavior of herbivores or the predator-prey interaction between killer whales and pinnipeds, we hope to better understand how to model and manage these resources. Another project is modeling the dynamics of killer whale populations. We have recently purchased an nVidia Tesla workstation with 480 GPU's that we hope to utilize for parallel simulations.Authentication Schemes Resistant to Shoulder Surfing. A serious security problem is divulging your password to an attacker. The password may be revealed in a manner as simple as the attacker watching over the shoulder of the user entering their password. This work examines techniques to reduce or eliminate the shoulder surfing threat through novel authentication methods.Visualizing Attrition in Computer Science. Our CS program suffers from high attrition. Where do students go that start in CS1? We have collected transcript data from all students starting in CS1 and developing visualization algorithms to see where they go and how far they get in the CS program.Old ProjectsHeuristic Search. Empire-based games are games where multiple units may move simultaneously in one turn. This results in a prohibitively large search space for traditional algorithms. This work explores hierachical organization, aggressive pruning strategies, and agent-based modeling to find ways to create an effective and adaptable computer opponent for these types of games.Data Mining and Visualization of Faculty Expertise. We have constructed an online database for UAA faculty to submit their annual activity report. These reports contain data that describes the teaching, service, and research that is performed by our faculty members. We hope to mine this data so that it is possible to visualize what expertise exists on campus and create agents to allow users to automatically find faculty with expertise in a particular area while suggesting areas for collaboration.Dormant ProjectsProjects slow-cooking on the back burner...Selected PublicationsMachine-extracted eye gaze features: how well do they correlate to sight-reading abilities of piano players?Bogdan Hoanca, Timothy C. Smith, Kenrick MockETRA '14 Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 2014frames are not supportedReal-time continuous iris recognition for authentication using an eye trackerKenrick Mock, Bogdan Hoanca, Justin Weaver, Mikal MiltonCCS '12 Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on Computer and communications security, 2012frames are not supportedVideo demonstration,PDF.Weaver, J., Mock, K., Hoanca, B. (2011). Gaze-Based Password Authentication through Automatic Clustering of Gaze Points. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. SMC 2011, October 9-12, 2011, Anchorage, AK. pdfMock, K. (2010). e-Learning Tools for Computer Science Educators and Students. eLearn 2010, 6 (Jun. 2010), ACM. Retrieved 8/21/11 from =1833510Mock, K. (2009). PenAttention: Highlight Your Pen Cursor for In-Class Presentations. The Workshop on the Impact of Pen-Based Technology on Education, October 12-13, 2009, Blacksburg, VA. Published in: The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education. Berque, D., Konkle, L., Reed, R. (eds). Purdue University Press, 2009.Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2008). "Password entry scheme resistant to shoulder surfing". The 2008 International Conference on Security and Management. SAM 08, July 12-16, 2008, Las Vegas, NV. PDF.Secure graphical password system for high traffic public areasBogdan Hoanca, Kenrick MockETRA '06 Proceedings of the 2006 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications, 2006frames are not supportedHoanca, B., Mock, K. (2005). "Screen oriented technique for reducing the incidence of shoulder surfing". The 2005 Internation Conference on Security and Management. SAM 05, June 20-23, 2005, Las Vegas, NV. PDF.Armstrong, N., Mock, K. (2005). "Helicopter Routing for Maintaining Remote Sites in Alaska using a Genetic Algorithm". The Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2005, July 9-13, 2005, Pittsburgh, PA. PDF.Mock, K. (2004). "Teaching with Tablet PC's." The Sixth Northwest Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, October 8-9, 2004, Salem, OR. PDF.Mock, K. (2003). "The Development of a CS0 Course for Distance Delivery." The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, V19, N2. PDF.Mock, K. (2002). "Hierarchical Heuristic Search Techniques for Empire-Based Games." 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 24-27, 2002, Las Vegas NV. PDF.Mock, K. (2001). "The Use of Internet Tools to Supplement Communication in the Classroom." The Journal for Computing in Small Colleges, V17, N2.Microsoft Word.Mock, K. (2001). "An Experimental Framework for Email Categorization and Management." 24th Annual ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. September 9-13, 2001. New Orleans, LA. Microsoft Word or PDF or PPT Presentation. The binary and source code is also publicly available.Mock, K. (1999). "Dynamic Email Organization via Relevance Categories." International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'99), November 1999, Chicago, IL. Microsoft Word.Mock, K. (1999). "A Hybrid Induction Classifier for Real-Time Classification and Incremental Learning." Intel Technical Report. PDFMock, K. (1998). "A Comparison of Three Document Clustering Algorithms: TreeCluster, Word Intersection GQF, and Word Intersection Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering." Intel Technical Report.PDFMock, K. (1998). "Wildwood: The Evolution of L-System Plants for Virtual Environments." International Conference on Evolutionary Computing (ICEC'98), May 1998, Anchorage Alaska. Microsoft Word. Also try my online java demo of the algorithms presented in the paper.Mock, K., Vemuri, V. (1997). "Information Filtering via Hill Climbing, WordNet, and Index Patterns." Proc. of Information Management and Processing. gzip, postscript. Mock, K., Lawton, L., Hoyle, M. (1996). "Online Game Show Hosts: Agents for Socialization, Not Just Entertainment." Workshop on AI and Entertainment, 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portland OR, Aug 4-8, 1996. Microsoft Word.Mock, K. (1996). Ph.D. Dissertation. "Intelligent Information Filtering via Hybrid Techniques : Hill Climbing, Case-Based Reasoning, Index Patterns, and Genetic Algorithms." University of California, Davis. Microsoft Word, or PDFMock, K. (1996). "Hybrid Hill Climbing and Knowledge Based Techniques for Intelligent News Filtering." Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portland, Oregon, Aug 4-8, 1996. PDF Extended paper from publication. Other Links My Erdös Number 2ff7e9595c